Saturday, February 6, 2016

Digital Marketing Agency Milwaukee (414) 375-4765

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5 Tips to Stop Talking and Start Doing
As we ring in the New Year, many people have come up with a giant list of resolutions. Some people would like to lose weight others want to travel. There is a common problem amongst all of these lists; they lack the “how”. Its one thing to say you want to achieve something, its entirely another to actually create a step by step plan of how you want to achieve it. Without the how, your list is just a useless piece of paper which will be quickly forgotten in a few months’ time. While the first step is certainly to admit you want to change something, you need to figure out for yourself, what you are going to do about it.
My resolution for 2016 is simple albeit vague. I want to be more action oriented. I want to talk less about doing things and actually go for it. This blog is a big part of that. My ultimate goal is to have a web marketing training and consulting company. It combined the two things I love most in life: helping people and all things digital. I am hoping that this blog will build my credibility to those who haven’t actually had a chance to meet me. Since I started talking about having a step by step plan, let me outline mine:
Create a blog and contribute to it on a weekly basis
Create video blog entries explaining some of the more complicated themes of web
Contribute to the many web marketing sites I frequent by answering questions and providing resources
Have an engagement & communication strategy for multiple channels
Stop being humble and limiting myself. I have knowledge about the web that many people don’t and I am able to explain it in a way that makes sense. Use my skills
Start providing free consulting sessions to those who need it.  When I see that my services are valued, start charging for it
And because I couldn’t resist: PROFIT!
Verbalize and write down what you actually want to accomplish.
What is currently stopping you from doing that? Write down every single things that comes to mind, look at the list, are any of these things you cannot overcome alone? How many are you being afraid of taking action?
How long do you think it will take you to accomplish that goal? Why?
Fill in the blanks; write down the micro steps that you need to take to get to where you want to be.
Life is not an individual sport; ask others for help and advice. Tell people what you want to achieve and let them help you stay on track.
Now that I have outlined my step plan, what is yours?
I leave you with a great video about how to start doing!

Call Us Today (414) 375-4765

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