Saturday, February 6, 2016

Local SEO Milwaukee (414) 375-4765

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Before I start, I want to point out that everything I say is my own opinion as it relates to the business world. This post is not indicative of how I feel about Social Media as it relates to personal communication. That is an entirely different topic.*I would like to start by asking a simple question, what is Social Media? I think that for the most part, there is no definition. If there was, how could a company justify paying that much money to “Social Media Guru’s?” To me, Social Media is nothing but a buzzword. It’s a buzzword because no one has the same definition of it yet everyone uses it in one way or another. Without a shared definition, how could we be talking about the same thing? Social Media has been positioned as a magical potion to cure companies from a lumbering sleep and start interacting with their customer, employees, and shareholders.  The thing with magic, at first you may have people fooled, but eventually they figure it out. The same applies to Social Media, you can’t just pay an agency a bunch of money and expect real and meaningful results. While your “Likes” may increase, what does that mean? You cannot measure something you do not understand. And that brings us back to the original question of “What is Social Media?”
Social Media is many things to many people. For me, Social Media is a channel where companies can be transparent with their customers. They can have real conversations and not be afraid that their own customers will criticize them. Unfortunately that is not what happens. Most companies (more likely their legal departments) are afraid of what their customers will say, so they don’t participate at all. The brave ones that do carefully craft each response, pass it through legal, and after 2 weeks finally respond. Whatever value there was to responding was lost. If a person chose to post something on your Facebook wall, that means they were engaged enough with your brand to actually make the effort. All you have done is further tick them off by not being timely. Why bother with Social Media at all then? If its brand perception you are worried about, don’t. Those negative conversations you are worried about, are already happening – just in a channel you cannot control. Why not have the conversation on your own terms?
To start wrapping this up, I would love to see a day where organizations are not using Social Media as just another channel where they can re-share and re-tweet their promotions. Use it as an opportunity to connect to an ever increasingly digitally savvy audience. I would love to see agencies stop presenting the same decks over and over again. Yes Social Media has arrived, we get it. Having a Social Media Guru / Maven / Ninja will not do the trick. Change comes from inside the organization. Unless the company is fully invested and is willing to be transparent, it doesn’t matter how many “Likes” you pay for. While you can bribe people on Facebook to get more followers with special deals, promotions, and gift certificates all you are doing is bribing them. Paying for a friend does not mean they actually care about you. They will not spread your message and they are not at all engaged in your brand.

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