Friday, January 22, 2016

Milwaukee SEO Specialist (414) 375-4765

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Many ophthalmologists are now familiar with the two major pay per click options – Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing.  There are others, but these are the two most important ones.  If your practice is using (or considering using Pay Per Click – PPC), you should start here.  The way that I look at PPC is that it is great for a limited time focused on a specific campaign such as the recent Bausch and Lomb recalls – particularly when there is a lot of news on the subject.  With YSM or AdWords, you can pretty much ensure that your site gets a lot of play and a lot of traffic – as long as you are willing to pay.
With Pay Per Click, you pay every time somebody clicks on the sponsored listing for your site.   If they see your site, but don’t click, you don’t pay.  Typically, the ads run above and to the right of the search results.
YSM is used on Yahoo and MSN as well as a number of other medium sized search engines.  AdWords is used on Google and AOL and other search engines as well.  They each control slightly less than 50% of the market.
With YSM you can control where you are positioned in the sponsored results- first, second, third, fourth, etc.  It is all based on how much you are willing to pay.  If you want to be number one for a particular search phrase, you either need to have software that constantly monitors your position/ranking or you need to manually update your bid.  You can set caps on how much you want to bid per click, per day, per month, etc.  You can also just prepay a fixed budget and when it runs out, you stop showing up until you put more money in.
With AdWords, it is more complicated – everything with Google is more complicated.  With AdWords, your ranking depends not just on how much you want to pay, but on how frequently people click on your listings/ads and how long they stay on your site.  Theoretically, you could be willing to pay more than your competitor, but he could get the top spot because people click on his ad more frequently and stay on his site longer.  (Yes, Google tracks this.)  This means, you have to have a very compelling ad and a strong site to keep people on it.  Google also shows your ad on an irregular basis if you do not have a large enough overall budget to ensure that you can pay for all the click throughs. One major advantage of AdWords, however, is that you can be live with AdWords within minutes (they have an editorial review after you go live and may turn off or pause your campaign at that time) while YSM does a review before you go live which may take a day or two.
PPC is a great tool if you know how to use it, but don’t ignore the natural listings.  That is how you win the marathon.  Both PPC and natural listings require lots of work and time and attention.

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